Monique Hitzman
As a frequency shifter, my intentions are as follows:
I want to transport vibrations that will soothe and relax you.
Shake you up when you need it and are ready for it.
Drum up past issues so you can finally let them go.
Create a sacred atmosphere so you can safely and freely go within, connect to your soul and the higher realms.
Transmit Light, Love & Peace
Expand your consciousness
Open your heart
Ultimately activate that healing mechanism within yourself, so you can heal on a physical, emotional, mental and Spiritual level and truly start living a fulfilling life!
Sound Healer
Frequency Shifter
Tera Mai Energy Healer
Therapeutic Musician
I am dedicated to helping others recognize their own healing abilities as well as being a conduit of light, love, joy, peace & harmony,
through the healing arrangements of
Music and Sound.

Using Sound is like converting
Spiritual Light into sound waves