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  • In-person & Online Sessions Available
  • BioField Tuning - Tuning Forks
  • Sound Baths
  • Therapeutic Harp Music at the bedside for the sick & dying
  • Harp Music for Special Occasions

Biofield Tuning & Sound Bath

LA Sound Healing Sound Bath

Biofield Tuning & Sound Baths  Private Sessions

Gift Certificates Available


LA Sound Healing Biofield Tuning

Biofield Tuning - Tuning Forks

1 Hour 15 mins to 1.5 hrs - $150 for in-person sessions. $90 for online session. 


Packages available - 3 sessions for $400 ($50 discount)


Session begins with an assessment of chakras, grounding to earth star, connect to sun star, & activation of main body points. Tuning forks are applied on & around your body (biofield, aura) eliminating noise, static & blocks caused by trauma, unexpressed emotions, fear, illness & more. Biofield Tuning is especially beneficial for grief, PTSD, anxiety, depression, chronic conditions, digestive issues, self-discovery, connection to higher self & more. Sound healing helps you restore back to your optimal frequency bringing you a sense of clarity, more energy, balance, peace of mind  & a deeper connection.


Sessions also can include crystals & various instruments (gong, crystal bowls, drums etc) if needed.


Sessions are available for individuals, couples, groups & pets.


Akashic Records - I can open your Akashic Records as we do a session at no extra charge.


It is recommended to have at least 3 sessions a week or more apart.




LA Sound Healing Client

Biofield Tuning For Pets

Lou Lou Marie is a toy poodle with a collapsed trachea. When she has a coughing episode or feels sluggish, a tuning helps her breathe better, relax & increases her energy. Any pet can benefit from a tuning. Just as with humans, I do an assessment of their chakras and will be guided to work in a specific area.

LA Sound Healing Sound Bath

Music without words means leaving behind the mind. And leaving behind the mind is meditation. Meditation returns you to the source. And the source of all is sound.
















harpist Monique Hitzman LA Sound Healing.jpg

Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.


LA Sound Healing Sound Bath

The inner nature of man is the province of music.


The Wisdom of Confucius

Sound Bath - Private Sessions

For private sessions,  as you lay on a massage table, chakras will be assessed, tuning forks applied for grounding & activating major points on body. The sound bath is a meditative journey that will increase your energy, expand your consciousness, clear your mind, release emotional blocks & bring you to a state of total relaxation. As  you lie down on the table, along with a guided meditation, the sacred sounds of the gong, harp, handpan, crystal bowls, ocean drum, native drums, chimes & more will help your body mind, heart & soul shift to a harmonious state. Come get your tune-up!


Sound Bath for 1 person - 75 minutes - $100

Sound Bath for 2 ($200) for 3 to 4 people please contact me for price. These groups  will not have opening assessment or tuning forks.



Sound Bath Promo

Live Harp Music

Therapeutic Harp Music - for the Sick & Dying, for Seniors - Healing, soothing music for any person of any age in the hospital, on hospice or in a facility who is suffering from pain, loneliness, dementia, Alzheimer or other illness or who is actively dying (vigil). Music is specifically arranged according to the condition of the person.


Harp Music for all Occasions - Candlelight dinner, Art shows, Yoga, Reiki, Massage, Wellness Days, Spa & more.



LA Sound Healing Sound Bath

Playing Harp Music at the bedside is like bringing Heaven down to Earth!


​© 2023 by Monique Hitzman


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